Macha Green Tea KitKat Mini - 13Pcs

Dhs. 24.00
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146.9gms Pack Bored of the regular run of the mill KitKat that you get in Dubai or the local grocery story? Well from us at Simple Delights, we feel that the Japanese have taken this to the next level, with an imaginative and 'their' local flavours - expressed through this medium.  Nothing says more exotic that the powers of Matcha Green Tea! The packaging looks amazing and is one of our favorites. Bonus fact is that matcha is rich in both polyphenol (from tea catechin which lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes) and lutein (prevent eye related and age-related macular degeneration) and these Kit Kats are made using 10 times the usual amount of green tea leaves giving them rich flavor. Highly recommended to matcha lovers  

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